• Earn.cc

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  • Earn.cc

    Safe Passive Income

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Unique IPs
Data Shared Per Day
You could earn

Income depends on several factors, including your location, device type, mobile carrier/ISP, speed of your internet, number of devices, number of referred users and the amount of traffic routed through your device.

Start earning now
* Earnings are not guaranteed, see earnings disclaimer for more information.

Reliable security and compliance

We don’t collect or inspect your transferred data. As a Earn.cc you won’t have heavy traffic occupation.

  • Earn.ccKYC Model

    Our app does not cause any security issues because we only work with pre-qualified businesses operating on a KYC (know your customer) model.

  • Earn.ccCompliance & Security Check

    Every single website accessed through your device passed all the necessary compliance and security checks.

  • Earn.ccAI-Powered Logs

    Transparent subscription statistics and totally legal use of your Wi-Fi router’s capacity.

The Social Network that Pays YOU! Earn Passive Income Effortlessly!
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What is my traffic used for?

Your device helps our trusted partners (mostly data analytics companies) to gather publicly available data around the world without complexity of development.

  • Earn.ccWeb Scraping

    Web scraping is heavily used in various industries. For example, search engine bots use craping to rank websites on results pages.

  • Earn.ccLifting location-based restrictions

    Some websites opt to restrict access to the content in certain countries. Earn.cc provides a platform that helps people access websites


Factors that influence how much you earn

How much money you can earn with Earn.cc depends on several factors. The amount of Internet traffic varies all the time, which affects your income directly.

  • Earn.cc

    Your Location

    When the demand in your area is high, you can always make money

  • Earn.cc

    Number of IP addresses

    The more devices connected to different IP addresses, the more revenue you will get

  • Earn.cc

    Network Ping/Speed

    Got a fast network connection? Our AI will detect that and use your connection more. Then you earn more!

  • Earn.cc

    Online Time

    The longer you run Earn.cc in the background every day, the more earnings you can get

Start earning in 3 steps

Get started in 3 simple steps

  • Earn.ccStep1: Install and register

    Install the program on your device, register, log in and connect it to the Internet

    Sign Up
  • Earn.ccStep2: Run Earn.cc

    Earn.cc app securely shares internet with no access to personal data

    Download NowEarn.cc
  • Earn.ccStep3: Get paid

    Have your personal Earn.cc account, check the traffic and income at any time, and withdraw cash with one click.

    Download NowEarn.cc

Earn anytime and anywhere

Simply download Earn.cc on your device and start earning! The app will silently run in the background of your device and you’ll get paid.

  • Earn.ccMac OS
  • Earn.ccWindows
  • Earn.ccIOS
  • Earn.ccAndroid

Scan QR code to download

IOS & Android

Frequently asked questions

We’ve got answers. The most common questions answered in one place.

View All FAQs
  • How do I increase my earnings?Earn.cc

    Although the earning process may seem slow at first, there are several ways to increase and stabilize your earnings. The following factors affect the amount of traffic passing through a particular user:

    • The number of active Earn users sharing the internet at the same time.
    • The traffic demand in the user's country.

    Despite these variables, you can still increase your earnings in several ways. We strongly recommend completing all steps to get the best earnings:

    • Switch to a mobile network connection to spread out your traffic, and use Earn on two or more devices on different IP addresses.
    • Use our referral program. By referring new users, you will receive x% of their earnings as a bonus.

  • How do I request a withdrawal?Earn.cc

    Make sure you have reached the payment threshold (20 USD or 20 000 credits).

    Go to the dashboard, press the withdraw button and select PayPal.

    As a security measure, you will be prompted to insert a special verification code, which you will receive at your email address.

    After inserting the code you received, you will receive an invitation email to register an account within 1 business day, please follow the instructions carefully to register with our withdrawal provider.

    Sit back, relax and wait for those few business days to receive your payment! PayPal payments take 2-3 business days to reach your account.


  • How do I find my referral link/invite friends to Earn?Earn.cc

    You can invite your friends to Earn using a special link, which can be found on our dashboard.

    On the dashboard, go to the "Referral" view and a popup will appear with a special link that your friend will need to use to register as your referral. Click the blue "Copy" button and send it to your friend!

    The last part of the referral link is your referral code.


  • Why didn't I get any bonus from my referral?Earn.cc

    If you didn't receive any referral bonus, your referral probably didn't share their internet bandwidth with Earn.

    To check if this is the case, open your dashboard and select the Referral view on the left. There you can see how much referral bonus you got the previous day. If you don't see any transactions from your referral, but you do have friends in the Invited Users list, this means that your friends didn't install and open the Earn app and/or didn't share their internet bandwidth.


  • How do referrals work?Earn.cc

    Once you invite a friend to register an account with us, and your friend starts sharing their internet bandwidth with Earn, a bonus of 20% of their daily earnings will be added to your account. Every person who registers a new account using your referral link or code will receive $3 worth of credits added to their total credits.


  • Unable to install earn on WindowsEarn.cc

    If the earn installer on your Windows device stops prematurely or has other issues that prevent you from completing the installation, try the following possible fixes to check if the problem persists.

    1. Try running the earn installer with administrator privileges (right-click the earn installer file and "Run as Administrator").

    2. If you previously installed earn on your Windows device, make sure that the previous version of earn has been removed from your device and try to install earn again.

    3. If you use a PIN instead of a password to log in to Windows, restart your device and log in with your password. After that, try to install earn again.

    4. Turn off your antivirus software during the installation process. If you are worried, you can disconnect from the network first and then turn off the antivirus software.

    5. Check if there are any updates available for your Windows system. If so, install the pending Windows updates and then try to install earn again.

    • If these suggestions don't work, try the following advanced fixes:
    • Check if the WindowsInstaller service is running.
    • Use PowerShell commands.
    • Newly register vbscript.dll

    Check if the WindowsInstaller service is running.

    1. Press WIN + R keys to launch the Run application (or, you can open the Start menu and type "Run" to display the same application).

    2. In the Run window that appears, type "services.msc " and press Enter or OK button.


    3. The Services window will then appear. In it, scroll down until you find the " Windows Installer " service and double-click it.


    4. In the dialog box that appears, click the Start button, then press "Apply" and "OK" to apply the settings. (Note: If the "Windows Installer" service is already running, right-click the "Windows Installer" service in the service screen (displayed in the third step) and press "Restart")


    5. Try to install earn again.

    Use PowerShell commands.

    1. Press WIN + R keys to launch the Run application (or, you can open the Start menu and type "Run" to display the same application).

    2. In the Run dialog box, enter ‘ powershell ’ and press Enter or OK.

    3. A dialog box similar to this should appear:


    In the dialog box that appears, copy and paste the following command and press Enter:

    msiexec /unreg

    msiexec /regserver

    4. Restart your device.

    5. Try to install earn again.

    Reregister vbscript.dll

    1. Press WIN + R to launch the Run application (alternatively, you can open the Start menu and enter Run to display the same application).

    2. In the Run window that appears, enter ‘ cmd ’ and press Enter or OK.

    3. Enter (or copy and paste) the following command in the dialog box that appears and press Enter:

    regsvr32 script


    4. A dialog box similar to this should appear:


    5. Press OK and restart your device.

    6. Try to install earn again.

Ready to make sweet money?

It only takes 5 minutes to start earning with Earn.cc

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